Scientific research drives society forward. We focus on teaching and engaging students in population-level research studies using publicly available datasets.
Data-driven Research Course for International Students Planning on U.S. Residency:
Introduction. Our research team consists of US MD/DO students, foreign medical graduates, MPH/PhD graduate students, and high-achieving undergraduate students across the globe. We utilize publicly available datasets and literature to perform cross-sectional, retrospective cohort, and systematic review/meta-analysis studies on well-developed research hypotheses related to healthcare. Our goal is to foster interest in data-driven research and perform quality research projects. Students have conducted studies ranging from Association Between Leg Adiposity and Hypertension Subtypes in U.S. Adults, to Development of a Bedside 20-Year Cardiovascular Risk Score to Guide Preventive Counseling. Our team has presented at national and international meetings including the 2019-2021 American College of Cardiology scientific sessions, 2020-2021 American Heart Association Hypertension Sessions, 2019-2020 American Diabetes Association annual meeting, 2019-2021 Endocrine Society's ENDO meetings, 2018-2021 American Federation of Medical Research regional meetings, and 2019 European Society of Hypertension's meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Protection. In addition to publication of these abstracts and corresponding manuscripts, we have also published several peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed, letters to the editor in journals such as Lancet, Journal of Hypertension, Journal of Clinical Hypertension, Indian Heart Journal, among others.
Teaching Philosophy. Our team instructor strives to teach students the basics of epidemiology and biostatistics through hands-on research hypothesis development and data analysis. This includes 1) letters to the editor to become acquainted with critical analysis of existing literature, 2) literature reviews to become an expert on a topic of interest, 3) research hypothesis development, study population development, study design, statistical analysis, and manuscript writing, and 4) abstract/manuscript submission.
Number of Spots: We are actively accepting applications for ten (10) research interns to join our team.
Internship Cost: $299.00 (US Dollars), not including abstract submissions/conference registration fees. The cost is needed to support statistical work, data management, and research supervision. Abstract submission fees can range from $49-99.00 and will be paid by presenting author.
Internship Length: The 2022 internship will be from February 5th/6th, 2022 to April 23rd/24th, 2022 EST, with residual commitment needed to submit abstracts to conferences later in the year. This internship requires 5-10 hours of remote, self-paced work weekly.
Internship Guarantee: Through this internship, you will be guaranteed at least 1 abstract submission to a national conference, and at least 1 letter to the editor publication. Highly motivated students can achieve many more publications. Once you complete the internship, you are welcome to continue working with us at no extra cost to produce impactful manuscript publications.
In order to join our team, you will have to fill out the application form here:
Visaria A, Lo D. Association between body mass index and hypertension subtypes in Indian and United States adults. Indian Heart Journal. 2020 Aug 11. [E-pub ahead of print]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ihj.2020.08.009
Visaria A, Dharamdasani T, Lo D, Wickramasinghe K, Malhotra R. 1432-P: Association between Insulin Use and Long-Term Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Older Adults. Diabetes. 2020 June 9;69(Supplement 1). https://doi.org/10.2337/db20-1432-P. Poster Presentation at virtual 2020 American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Sessions.
Visaria A, Lo D, Maniar P. Abstract MP34: Association Between Leg Adiposity And Hypertension Subtype In Young And Middle-aged Adults. Hypertension. 2020 Sep;76(Suppl_1):AMP34. https://doi.org/10.1161/hyp.76.suppl_1.MP34. Moderated Poster Presentation at virtual 2020 AHA Hypertension Sessions. Study featured on several news outlets, including AHA press, U.S. News & World Report, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, and others. Per AHA media report, 186 news articles and 274,984,933 media impressions.
Visaria A, Modak A, Shah M, Kethidi N, Shahani J, Chilakapati R. Sex-stratified, Age-related Patterns in Blood Pressure Across Thirty Years. Journal of Investigative Medicine. BMJ Publishing Group. 2021 Feb 1; 69(2):544-545.
Visaria A, Maniar P, Dave B, Kumarapuram S, Lo D. Age-specific Association Between Standing Height and Pulse Pressure in Adults. Journal of Investigative Medicine. BMJ Publishing Group. 2021 Jan 1; 69(1):229-229
Shahani J, Shah M, Modak A, Chilakapati R. Everything in moderation: Understanding the interplay between salt and sugar intake. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2020 Oct 22. [E-pub ahead of print]. https://doi.org/10.1111/jch.14086
Visaria A, Kethidi N, Chilakapati R, Shahani J, Shah M, Modak A. Effect modification, confounding, or interaction: understanding the role of hypertension on the association between adiposity and physical activity. Blood Pressure Monitoring. 2021 Apr 1;26(2):169. https://doi.org/10.1097/MBP.0000000000000501
This internship is perfect for those wanting to gain research experience in a short period of time before residency applications. It is a mix of computer science, clinical work, public health, statistics, and literature review - a unique, comprehensive course you won't find anywhere else!
Example of a research poster completed by a student. He continued his research even past the program (with assistance from the instructor) and now his research is now being submitted to a top journal for publication.

Email us at ed2edtutor@gmail.com or email the instructor directly at aayush.visaria@rutgers.edu if you are interested but have specific questions. Please use the application form to apply for the internship.
Clinical Impact
Our studies have made international headlines, including the Chicago Tribune, NY Post, ScienceDaily, Telegraph UK, and US World News. We have been cited by other articles, and have won various awards.
Cost Compared to Universities
This internship is the equivalent of a 6-credit research university course. Such courses cost an average $2000. This course also includes interactive public health education, independent research, and research product submissions.
If you are only interested in particular parts of this internship, we can personalize your course schedule and cost to fit your needs as well. Our goal is to help you and will do whatever we can as a company to help students achieve their goals.